Many of the mothers of our children have either never received a formal education or dropped out before graduating. These women are eager to learn to read, finish school, and either learn a trade or continue on to college. We are currently seeking sponsors for this program. Through an interview process, we have identified our first scholarship recipient, and, thanks to a generous donation by Dr. Gil Rogers from the U.S., we are able to begin realizing the dream of higher education. Thank you for your continuing support!
Attending school in Honduras can be costly for some children. Uniforms are required and basic school supplies may be too expensive. Your donations can be directed to ensuring that children who attend the soup kitchen can also attend school regularly through assistance in purchasing the necessary supplies.
April 2013, Update
The Comedor feeds sixty children one hot meal a day during the school week. Each meal costs approximately 1 Lempira or 80 cents [USD]. Until we are self-reliant, we DO accept donations that help us to purchase food for the children. Thank you for your donation, no amount is too small.
Our building was in very bad shape for a many years, so through the KidSAKE Foundation, its donors and other individuals, we purchased property for a new soup kitchen. The new soup kitchen has running water and bathrooms, garden space, a storage room and one day it will have an office and playground. In June of 2013, KidSAKE will install a chicken yard and coop with our help. Thanks to the organization U.P Friends of Honduras, our new soup kitchen has been built, though some of the above listed projects are still dreams. Though we hope that our microenterprise will be successful so that we can pay our way, we are grateful for donations that help us to speed the process as our needs are many. Here are some of them that you could help support:
- Supply chickens or supplies for caring for them for our microenterprise.
- Locking cabinets for supplies
- Chicken feed
Soup Kitchen
- Storage building for food & other supplies
- Office addition
- Playground
- Gate & Security wall/cinderblock
- Walk way and steps
- Wheelbarrow, gardening tools, seeds, etc.
June 2013: The KidSAKE Foundation will bring a team to help us build our chicken yard and coop and get our new enterprise started! Wish us luck. In 2012, KidSAKE came to teach us about creating a micro-enterprise to help our soup kitchen and its developing programs become self-reliant. Thanks to the generous donations of a local painter, Eudoro Lizardo "Lolilto", we have thirteen folk art images to use on various products such as cards, buttons, magnets, etc. We have also begun to use artwork that the children have produced and are planning on learning how to embroider and perhaps branch into other craft items as we grow. The KidSAKE Foundation has been networking with giftshops throughout Honduras to help us get started with a variety of retail locations for our products.
Women & Children
Trade skills are important and opportunities are available in our village for learning how to paint, embroider, make crafts (such as pinatas), but these classes require purchasing of supplies or paying a teacher. L100 or $5 USD per year will provide weekly art lessons to a student, and help us gain these skills. Thank you so much for your support!
Supplies are also helpful as we begin to build our business through newly gained skills. We would like to learn more about sewing, embroidery, jewelry-making, and how to earn an income through becoming better artisans.
Ernestina, once a child of our soup kitchen, recently finished law school thanks to The KidSAKE Foundation helping years ago by collecting donations for her mother's surgery. Ernestina is paying it forward by offering to support the CMF however she can.